We happen to think it's the perfect food for runners. Great for carb loading and oh so satisfying after a long run. We busted out a mid-week 24 miler yesterday, and sighed a heavy "pizza is SOOOOO good" as we ran by every pizza place in Guelph.
I happen to think that this piece, by Runner's World's Mark Remy happens to be one of the finest pieces of writing in history. This is what Mark says about his relationship with pizza...
"When I'm in a race and feeling like I just can't go on, I imagine that I'm chasing a whole pizza. The pizza is rolling, like a wheel, about 10 yards ahead of me. Every now and then it will hit a bump or a crack, sending a slice of pepperoni flying off. I let the pepperoni go, keeping my "eye on the prize." I almost catch the pizza on the climbs, but on the downhills it zooms away. I finally catch it at the finish line. But I don't eat it, because it's filthy from all that rolling on a road. Instead, I play it cool and follow it from a safe distance to the family meeting area, under the "P" banner, where its pizza parents are waiting. I eat them both, while filthy Race Pizza watches in horror."
I have to confess, I spend the end of many a long run thinking about how and when I can procure some pizza parents of my own.
So imagine how excited we were when we discovered that Boston Pizza hosts fundraiser meals! What could be more perfect than to use pizza to raise money for Cooper's Troopers and our 100km journey??!
Here are the details:
When: September 2nd, 2015-7pm-10pm
Where: Guelph Boston Pizza, 35 Woodlawn Rd. W., N1H 1G8
What: Salad, Pasta, Pizza, Soft Drinks, Coffee, and Tea served BUFFET STYLE!!
How much: $20/person
Trust me...You DO NOT want to miss this event! Boston Pizza has also kindly offered us a certificate for "Pizza for a Year" to be raffled at our event. That's FREE. PIZZA. FOR. A. YEAR!!!
Spread the word to your family, and friends, and your friend's families! Contact us ASAP for tickets!!